This praying mantis seems to be asking "What are you saying"? Of course I was telling it just how cute it was, like it would understand what I was saying. I was speaking a foreign language.
It is hard to understand someone when they speak a foreign language. No matter how hard you look and strain your ears it just is not happening.
Sometime body language help to get the point across. Like this mantis tilting his head at me while I was talking. It was so cute that I had to take the picture.
Sometime talking with our own children we feel like we don't speak the same language. The generation gap seems to get in the way there.
So how do we communicate?
I am not sure what the answer to that question is.
If you can't communicate by words you can do it by actions. Those little acts of kindness can go a long way to let some one know that you care. No words needed.
Take the time to be still and just listen to your children, friends and others may be the way to communicate. Really hear what they are saying.
Being still is a way we can communicate with God. When we are still we can hear Him more clearly and not ask "What are you saying"?
Maybe you are asking "What are you saying?" to me now. I am just saying that sometime we need to stand still, open our ears and see with our eyes to understand what others are saying. Maybe the world will be a better place.