Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Our own Neshy

Spotted our own Neshy right here in our own waterway. Be on the look out for other sightings.
One of the things I like to do is take pictures of things that looks like animals, letters and patterns. Sometime I look forward to spotting the unusual more than the normal things that everyone else goes for. It is more fun to find these rare treasures and make up stories to go with them.
I am on the look out to getting a picture of each of the letters in the alphabet. If you see one somewhere, give me a howler.
I encourage you all to have fun finding those cute funny pictures. We take life too seriously sometimes. Maybe you will find a Neshy yourself.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What are the Odds?

Last year at the Women's retreat we were getting things set up for game night. Cheryl dumped the canister of dices on the table. Right away she called me over and told to bring my camera. All the red dices rolled out as sixes and the white one rolled out as twos except for one. What were the odds that she could do this again? Properly one in a million.
Everyday we face odds. The odds that we will make it to work safely. The odds that we will see our loves tonight before we go to bed. The odds that we will wake up to face another day. What are the odds we will seek Gods through these things?
For some of us one in a million.
Today I want to even the odds by seeking God in everything I do. Whether it work, play or sleep I want God to be in control of the odds in my life. How about you? Who is in control of your odds?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Close Call

This picture is not one of my great one. But the story surrounding this picture is.
When I first spied the butterfly I grabbed my camera and just as I got it in focus a bird flew down and swept it up. The butterfly managed to escape and fall back to the ground.
The bird came in for a second attempt and the butterfly escaped for a second time.
The third attempt was thwarted by a group of people passing by. So the bird flew off and let the butterfly alone. That is when I got this picture.
I felt this butterfly story needed to be shared. All those close calls and it lives. A little battered but alive.
There are many times in our life that we make it through close calls. Through our own power we manage to escape. It is not until God comes into the picture that we finally are rescued.
I am glad that the butterfly got to live for another day. I am also glad that God gets me through the close calls in my life and I get to live for another day.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My Before Pic

Okay. This is my "Before" picture. The quest for the weight lose is on. I will be frank. I am 240 lbs. I want to be under 200lbs by July. No fad diets. Just eating better, healthier and walking everyday. Each Sunday I will just report on my progress. Good or bad.
Now who ever is going on this journey with me has to keep me accountable. I want to be able to keep you accountable as well. So once again. Who is with me? It is going to be a hard but worth while trip.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Before and After

I got a good before and after for you. These are pictures of my daughter (Who has by the way given me permission to post).
She has lost around 115 lbs.
She did it by self determination. No fad diets. I am proud of my daughter and find inspiration from her achievement.
So now I am giving it a shot for me. I want to lose weight. Not as much as her. But enough to be healthy again. So I need your prayers.
I figure if I post it I will be more incline to do it. Anyone out there with me?

Friday, February 24, 2012


Smoky is my shadow. Everywhere I go in my home he follows. When I put my purse down he claims it. I don't think I own him. He owns me. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
There has been many pets in my life and they all have had a place in my heart. They brings memories and good feelings. I miss them but will never forget them. Even though they are gone they are still a part of my life.
When we lose love ones the same could be said for them. There are memories that we hang on to because we want to keep them in our hearts. We miss them.
Our hope it that one day we will see them again in heaven. We will join them in the presence of God and all the pains of the lost will be gone. There are so many love ones I can wait to see. Someday.
Until than I know when I get home there is someone waiting to see me. Smoky.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

God's Love Sign

Sometime it would be nice if we could just look up and see God giving us the love sign. Than we would know that we are doing the right thing. That we are on the right path. Than we could make it through each day knowing God loves us.
One day while searching for that picture of the day I was in need of such a sign. I looked up and saw in the trees what look like the branches making the sign language sign for "I love you". I had to laugh and of course take the picture.
God is so patient with me. He humors me and uplifts me in unexpected ways. God I give back to you my "I love you" in my pictures, words and deeds.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What Are You Saying?

This praying mantis seems to be asking "What are you saying"? Of course I was telling it just how cute it was, like it would understand what I was saying. I was speaking a foreign language.
It is hard to understand someone when they speak a foreign language. No matter how hard you look and strain your ears it just is not happening.
Sometime body language help to get the point across. Like this mantis tilting his head at me while I was talking. It was so cute that I had to take the picture.
Sometime talking with our own children we feel like we don't speak the same language. The generation gap seems to get in the way there.
So how do we communicate?
I am not sure what the answer to that question is.
If you can't communicate by words you can do it by actions. Those little acts of kindness can go a long way to let some one know that you care. No words needed.
Take the time to be still and just listen to your children, friends and others may be the way to communicate. Really hear what they are saying.
Being still is a way we can communicate with God. When we are still we can hear Him more clearly and not ask "What are you saying"?
Maybe you are asking "What are you saying?" to me now. I am just saying that sometime we need to stand still, open our ears and see with our eyes to understand what others are saying. Maybe the world will be a better place.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Point the Way

Sometime we need someone to point the way. We are not always sure if we are heading in the right directions. Many times we get lost along the path we choose. It happens to me a lot.
Someone once told me that I could get lost in my own back yard. I got lost in my neighborhood once. I was so absorbed in my own thoughts that I lost my bearings and forgot where I was going.
When I get lost now it is nice to know that I can turn to God to point the way. If I follow His directions in my life I do not falter and go the wrong way. It is only when I look to where others say to go that I get confuse again and loose my way.
I don't need a GPS when my eyes are focus to God to point the way.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Mustang Run

Many years ago we got the rare treat of seeing the wild mustang run just at the horizon. It was a photo opportunity that many do not get to experience on the mustang refuge in South Dakota.

This was one of my cousin favorite place to visit. We were able to get up close and personal with the mustangs.

Our guide was very knowledgeable about the history of these wonderful creatures.

One of the neat things you could do with the mustang was to sponsor one for a year.
This was the one we sponsor. His name was Painted Desert.
If you ever get to go there be prepared to fall in love with them. These are God's beautiful creations worthy of our praises. Someday I hope to make it back there again. But if that never happens I will still feel blessed being able to witness the mustang run.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Against the Odds

One day before winter set in my husband crawled under the trailer to wrap the water pipes with heat tape to insulate them from the cold. This is done so that the pipes won't burst in the freezing weather.
Imagine our surprise when he move the wood plank to find this salamander living under our trailer.
The thing that surprise me more was the little plant growing beside him.
It is so dark and dry under there that it is a wonder anything can grow at all. Yet against the odds this little plant has manage to break through the dirt and start the growing process.
We grow where we are planted. It might seem that everything is against us but we beat the odds with the help of God.
I hope when I have to go against the odds that I can break the barriers that are before me with the help of God and start the process of growing.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Last Straw

The prairie dog seems to be enjoying chewing on the straw. This definitely was not the last straw for him. But there are time when we just get to the point that it is the last straw. The straw that broke the camel back you might say.
When you reach the end of your patience it is all you can do not to give up. The last straw has pushed you to the limit of your sanity. You find things has gotten out of hand. Between the children, your job and the demands of friends you break under the pressure.
There is hope. Jesus has said that His yoke is easy. He will bare the wait of the last straw. Today I am handing over my straws. How about you?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Fish Out of Water

Do you ever feel like a fish out of water? That at any moment something is going to swoop down on you and mess up your life? It doesn't matter how much you protest that there is no escape for you? Well! Welcome to the club.
There are days that I feel like I am drowning. I can't seem to breathe. I don't belong here. Yet I know this is where God has placed me.
When I can no longer breathe He breathes for me. When I can no longer stand He lifts me up. When I all but give up He give me the strength to carry on. I know where my help comes from.
Today I will swim with the other fishes that are out of water and together with the help of God make it through another day.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Out in the Cold

This heron is standing out in the cold. He seemed so alone. I wanted to reach out and give him some warmth. Yet I know that God has equipped him with the warmth he needs.
There are many times I feel all alone. I have been left out in the cold by friends, family and circumstances. Yet I know that God has equipped me with what I need. When I call out to Him He reaches out to me and gives me warmth.
Is there something in your life that has put you out in the cold? Let God warm you and bring you in out of the cold.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Early Bird

You have heard the saying " The early bird catches the worm". Well I got up early to catch the bird with the worm. lol.
Yesterday while walking around the mariner I was surprised to see several robins hanging around. It is too early for spring isn't it? The weather has been crazy this winter. If you can call the season we are having winter. I mean even the robins are not sure what season it is.
Sometime life is like that. We are sure we have finally made it through the winters in our life only too be hit with a blizzard. Than we think that the blizzard is going to last forever when we get hit with a heat wave. We are not sure how to act.
One thing we can be sure of is that God is there through it all. We can take comfort in that whatever season we are in He helps us to endure it.
Tomorrow morning I am going to get up early, catch the worm with God and not worry about the seasons.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Unexpected Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day. So did you do something special? Did you do something unexpected?
I put up one of my pictures up on wall for my husband along with other things that he been wanting put up. The wall looks nice. I know he did not expect this.
Afterwords I went out to take more pictures. I was surprise to see something unexpected. There is a second swan in the Edgewood marsh. For the past year there has only been one swan. I know this because I go everyday to watch the birds.
I guess he did not want to spend Valentine's Day alone. It is nice to see two swans swimming again. Maybe this spring there will be seven little swans a swimming. You know I will be watching.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Heart to Heart

The only reason I took this picture is because they were making a heart shape. It was just too cool not to take one.
Valentine is a day to open your heart to someone else. You can say that it is a heart to heart holiday. Couples give a piece of themselves to show their love and adoration.
Tomorrow would be a good day to have a heart to heart with God. Share with Him your hopes and dreams. Start the day on a good note.
My heart to heart to you is sharing my pictures, my thoughts and my prayers. May you receive blessings from them.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Heart to Owl

Last week when heading out the door to wait for my grandson bus to arrive we notice this heart on my daughter's car.
The next day the heart had turned into an owl. I love it when God draws a picture for me. I almost feel like He was giving me a Valentine.

Each day I look forward to finding His little gifts that He leaves for me to take pictures of. Someone once told me that it didn't take much to make me happy. That I found joy in the simpleness of things. Well they were right. Little things in life does bring joy to my heart. I hope today you find joy in the simple things God does for you.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Who's Your Sweetheart?

Who's your sweetheart. What name would you carve into the heart on the tree? This is the weekend that we all do things around the concept of love and relationships.
What will you be doing to show that someone how much you really care? Cards, candies and flowers are the norm. How about doing something unexpected? Use your imagination and find that one thing they would never dream you would do.
It could be something funny or something serious. The ball is in your court.
I would be interested in hearing some of your stories. I am trying to find one for myself.
Happy Valentine.

Friday, February 10, 2012

On Thin Ice

You ever heard the expression "You are standing on thin ice"? That is what these geese are doing. It was fun watching them come in for a landing and slipping all over the place.
Once they got their bearings they did something I had never seen. They would lay down on the ice until the warmth of their bodies caused the ice to break. One by one they would plop into the pond. Then they started to peck at the ice creating a path to swim through. Little by little they had several openings to swim around in.
Sometime life can be as hard as ice. I get so overwhelmed at all the things that demands my attention. Between the house, work and church obligations I find myself slipping all around the ice. If I chip at these things little by little I can see a hole in the ice. Only than can I hope to clear a path for me to move around. Today I am going to take it one peck at a time.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Path

The path you choose can be a difficult one when you have to do it alone. It seems long and never ending. If you step off the path you fall into danger that causes a life time of pain and misery.
The good news is that you don't have to take it alone. There are friends who are willing to stand beside you and guide you. They will pick you up when you fall.
The greatest of these friends is found in Jesus. He is there both day and night. He direct our path and never walks away even in the hardest of times. He holds our hands and lights the way in the dark.
Today I am thankful for my family, my friends and most of all for Jesus. May I always stay on the path He has laid for me and not stray off it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quiet Place

We all need to find that quiet place where we can get away from it all and just be in the presence of God. My favorite place is out in nature. I can't think of a better place to be than by a stream listening to the water running. It helps me to relax and renew my strength to face whatever problems that has come my way.
When I spend time by myself, I can see things more clearly. God helps me to come up with a plan to tackle the problems head-on.
Is there a quiet place that you can go to? It doesn't have to be outside your own home. I have had to spend time in the bathroom with the door tightly shut to get some quiet time. Along soak in the bath can do the trick sometime. I have gone to the bedroom and hid under the blanket. If that is what it would take for you to get some quiet time do it..
Today fine somewhere that is all your own. Talk to God. Listen. Together you can find the answers that you are seeking. That is what I am going to do today.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Remember the blizzard? There was so much snow that many of us were unable to go to work or leave our homes. To make matters worse it was one snow storm after another. We had close to 30 inches after all was said and done. When I set out to capture some pictures I came across this patch of grass. It was like that little sun on a stick melted the snow away. It was the only green spot around.

Sometime when we are in the blizzards of life we just need to look around to the Son of God and see that little spot in our life that He has melted. There is hope that all will get back to normal after the storm. Maybe we might find things are better. If we take the time to remember when we saw signs of God in the past, we can remember how he help us through it. Today the sky is blue, the sun is out and I am going to enjoy it until the next storm comes.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Odd Looking

I notice the other day how odd looking the legs of the Red-bellied Woodpecker were. They are shorter than other birds and come out the side of the body. They looked funny.
Yet when he is on the tree trunk I notice they serve him well when he is pecking away on the branches. He is able to cling to the tree with no problem. I guess God knew what He was doing when He made the legs of tree hugging birds short with long toes.
God has made each of us with the right parts to serve Him well. We are beautifully made whether we are short, tall, skinny or big. even what color our skin is. He has equipped us to do the task at hand. I made be odd looking to some. But I know I am beautiful to God.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


One Morning I work up to my car being crystallized. The patterns were too beautiful. I had to run back into the House to grab my camera and take these pictures.

Whenever I can I look for unique patterns. Things that only God could create. His works of art cannot be compared to anything I could create. When he can take a dirty old car and make it a work of art I know he can make me a work of art also. Nothing is impossible with God. I look forward to being crystallized. This old body sure needs a work over.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Flight of the Birds

For the past several days my grandson and I got to witness an awesome sight. The flight of the birds. They seems to go on forever as they past over our home. This is a yearly event. The question that crosses my mind is why don't we see them return this way?
Today I tried something new. I was going to post a short video of the flight. It took a long time for the video to download. Actually it never downloaded uploaded or got posted. Something new I have to learn now. How to post a video.
Video aside it still was a cool thing to witness. I never stop being amazed by the work of the Lord. I love watching His creations in action.
Today I hope the Lord enjoy seeing His creation in me. That I bring a smile to His face. This is what I inspire to do each day. I want this to be my daily event not a yearly one.

Friday, February 3, 2012


It is the pattern that catches my eyes not so much the subject. I love the way this plant curls. The curl reminded me how my hair use to curl when I was young. Now I have to use curlers to bring about the same result.
It is funny how much you miss the simple things in life. Life was so much simpler during my youth. When did life get so hard?
The one thing that is still simple for me to do. Turn to God for the answers. He still make life a little bit easier for me when I seek His guidance. I can get back some of the simple enjoyments of life. Like curls in my hair.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Song Sparrow

Notice how the song sparrow sits out in the open to sing his melody. He is facing up as if he know that his creator is listening to the pleasant song. He can sing as many as 20 different tunes. There is not a day that goes by that he doesn't sing.
I wonder how many days goes by before I sing to the Lord. My voice is not great. Yet I know that He would hear the same sweet melody that the sparrow sings. It is what is in my heart that makes the song special.
Today I want to lift my voice in song and praises, out in the open, for all to see and hear.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


What a treat it was waking up to the sky being so red. I love sunrises just as much as sunsets. I love cloudy days as well as clear blue skies. I just love nature. It is always ever changing.
Each sunrise we get to start our day anew. Leaving behind the mistakes of yesterday we get a fresh start to do it right. It is not always easy letting go of the past. But we have to if we ever hope to move forward.
There are many regrets in my life. Things I wish I could do over. But I can't. What I can do is start each day with God and try my best to get it right. Today I will enjoy God's creations. Today I will move forward and not look back.