Well you know that spring is here when you see the dreaded bees flying from flower to flower. As much as I hate them flying around me, I know that they are needed. They were created to pollinate the flowers. They serve a greater purpose for God. Yet I dread seeing them.
There are many things in life that I dread seeing. Yet I know that God uses these things for the greater good.
When my grandson was born prematurely I hated seeing him so tiny with tubes attached to him. Yet it was these tubes that kept him alive.
When my new car was totaled within weeks of getting it off the lot I got one that was more than I could ever hope for.
When I watch all my dreams faded away with the lost of my grandson twin, my new car and the home I had wanted. I got to move in with my daughter and be a apart of seeing my grandson grow and become healthy.
I know there will be many more things in life that I will dread seeing. But I also know that God will help me to see the good that will come after.