Friday, August 30, 2013

Lesson Learned

A couple weeks ago while getting into my car to go to work I notice movement in the driveway across the road. When I realized that it was a box turtle I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures. Of course my cat had to investigate the turtle as well.

One thing I notice was that Louie kept his distant. I wondered if he had an encounter with one and learned a lesson. He must have gotten bitten or clawed and did not want to go through that again.

One time my grandson picked up a snapping turtle and got bitten. Lesson learned there.

Each day we have an opportunity to learn from our mistakes, from our friends and from life itself. What lesson learned have you experienced? I hope it helped you to grow. I know that they do for me with God's help.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Wrong Spot

All this time since I came back from vacation I have been checking on a dirt pile that was suppose to be a nest of turtle eggs. I was so disappointed when I missed out of getting pictures of the snapping turtle laying her eggs, that I was determine not to miss out of the eggs hatching.

So everyday with my camera in hand I would go to the site. The funny thing is that I just found out that I was going to the wrong spot. The gentleman who works in the park office took me the spot where the nest was.

He personally put a fence around it, made this sign and posted it for everyone to see.  Of course I did not see it.

In life I find myself looking at the wrong spot many times. I need friends and family to point tot he right spot. And even than I seem to miss it.

How glad I am that God is always there to show me the way. When I find myself at the wrong spot, I just need to turn to the right spot and that is God.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Playing Chicken

I watched as these two bugs made their way towards each other. It was as if they were playing the car game called chicken. You know the one where two car race toward each other seeing who will chicken out first. I wonder who would move first. The leaf bug stayed its course and the caterpillar moved to the side.

How many times do we play chicken with people who just happen to be on the same path that we are. As we get closer are we thinking that they will move first? But maybe we are the ones that needs to move out of the way. Yet there are times we need to stay the course because it is the direction that God lays before us.

Playing chicken means stand your ground or move.Whatever we do,we need to allow God to direct us.

Sunday, August 25, 2013


There are many stages of life that we must face. Each and everyone of us are in a different stage. Just like the flowers in this picture some of us are in full bloom, others who have yet to open and  some who are in between.  Yet  it does not matter in what stage you are in at this moment, because it is where God wants you to be.

I am an late bloomer. All my life I struggled to find my place in this world. It was hard to open and bloom. But I had to wait for God timing to really show the world what I was made of.

Others around me seemed to grow faster and shine brighter. I stayed closed and in the dark. But now I am growing, spreading my petals and shining ever brightly.

What ever stage you are in right now, take heart. God is watering you and getting you ready to bloom. I know you will shine.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Deep in Thoughts

This red squirrel seems to be deep in thought. What it was about I could not say. Maybe he was thinking where his next meal was coming from. He might have been worrying where he hid all the nuts. Or maybe he was just posing for the camera.

There are many times I find myself deep in thoughts. Where is the money coming from to pay my bills? How am I ever going to get everything done that has to be finished by a certain date? Will I ever reach the level in my life that I can say I made it? What is my next blog going to say?

There is an answer to my questions. It is when I take them to the cross that I find the solutions to my problems. There is not  a problem that God cannot handle. So when I find myself in deep thoughts I  seek the One who can give me the right answers. I seek God.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Eyes Have It

My new discovery. Another caterpillar. But look at the eye. What seems like an eye really is a trick of the caterpillar to fool any other predator from eating it. It fooled me until I took this pictures.

When I saw his head pop out I was amused at the invention of this tool to fool. How cool.

When God looks into our eyes do we try to fool Him? Do we have a trick up our sleeve? Are we covered in a costume? The eyes are a window to our soul, mind and heart.

When you look into my eyes I hope you see the real me, not a trick. I hope my eyes have it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Unlikely Friends

We got a parakeet. At first our cat did not know what to make of it. So when Smokey would jump on the cage to investigate I would have to chase him off.

When we went away for our vacation my daughter did not discourage Smokey from checking out the new addition to our family. By the time we got back the cat and bird somehow became friends.

When Smokey gets on the cage the bird will climb to the top and pick on his tail or his feet making Smokey flinch. This has become a game for the two new friends.

Many times I find Smokey napping on top and the bird sleeping on his perch. The bird is not the least bit afraid of the cat.

We can learn from these unlikely friends. It is not what were are on the outside that matters. It is what is in the inside that counts.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Saddleback Caterpillar

Yesterday my lens on the camera came apart while trying to get a good clear picture of this caterpillar. So the results was this picture.

At the time of taking a picture I did not know what this was. While at work a friend stopped in with her son who just happen to know a little about caterpillar. He pulled it up on his smart phone within minutes and told me that it is called a saddleback caterpillar.

The next thing I learned was that this colorful caterpillar turns into the ugliest brown moth. It can sting as well. I am glad I did not touch it.

Today I went back to the place I spotted it. I could not find it. But in the process of searching I did discover many other bugs. Bugs are interesting when you take the time to seek them out. So I will keep looking.

Who knows I might discover a new bug or at least get a better shot of a saddleback caterpillar.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Way It Is

When I go through the pictures in my computer trying to pick one for my blog I usually edit the pictures. But every once in a while I like the picture just the way it is. No amount of editing makes the picture better for me.

There are times I think the same way about the people in my life. I try to edit things about them thinking that I am making them better. But God reminds me that he like them just the way there are.

Just like this flower no amount of editing I do will make them better. I need to leave the editing to God. So I will enjoy the work of His hands and leave His work just the way it is.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Two Ducks

What do these two ducks have in common?  Well, for one they were spotted at the same pond. There are both wood ducks.

The top one is a male duck. The bottom I was not sure what it was. The markings on the head looked male. But the color of the body was female.

At first I thought it might be a mixed breed of a mallard and a wood duck. The male on the top picture was courting a female mallard. So I researched it on the internet.

Well, it turned out that the male wood duck loses its color out of mating season. The two ducks are actually the same male duck. I am just catching him at different times of his life.

It was once said that a leopard can't change his spot. But a duck can change his color. I can't wait until mating season comes again. I love the colors of the wood duck at this time. Until than I will enjoy getting to know this little fellow a little more. He is just too darn cute.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Sometime when I look at a picture it seems to invite me into its surroundings. When the sky is blue and the water is calm you feel a sense of well being. All is well with the world.

We need these calm days to refresh us for the stormy ones. God knows that our mind, body and soul can only endure so much before we break all together. He ask us to come to the water and partake of His mercy and love. When we allow Him to refresh us we can make it through another day.

So take a look at this inviting picture and reflect on the goodness of God's love. Rest today, for tomorrow will have its own trials to deal with.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Light the Night Walk.

In March of 2013 I attended the funeral of Madison Summer Lynn. She was only 3.5 years old. She is the granddaughter of a dear co-worker of mine.

I was touched by the minister take on the verse that said Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus. The minister made reference to the fact the God had never wanted us to die and that is why Jesus wept.

Death seem senseless when there is a child involved. How do you except losing someone who just began life? The only comfort for the family is that this precious child is home with the Lord.

Jesus wept for Madison. Yet her life still touches anyone who hears her story. She passed away from T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia within three days of being diagnosed. She lived her life to the fullest and touched the hearts of many.

This coming Thursday, August 22, 2013 at the Forest Hill Chick-fil-A, you can help raise funds for the Leukemia Lymphoma Society for Madison’s Miracle Mission by visiting there between 4pm to 9pm. You just need to say “Madison’s Miracle Mission” so that 20% of the ticket price can be donated.

There is another way you can help and that is join the walk in the link listed below:

Team Name Subteam : Madison's Miracle Mission      
Walk Site: Camden Yards
Date: 11/02/13
Team Captain: Cindy Narup
City/State: Baltimore, MD

This is an annual walk and fund raising event. Walkers carry illuminated balloons to show their support. I plan on being there, camera in one hand and a balloon in the other. Will I see you there?

Thursday, August 15, 2013


When you think about Yellowstone National Park the first image that comes to mind is Old Faithful. But for me it is more than a geyser going off every hour or so. Yellowstone has a diverse set of attractions for visitors to take in.

This picture helps me to see that the park shares not only its geysers but its wildlife as well. The herd of elk, buffalo and deer can be spotted throughout the park. Bears, birds and plants offer many a photographer their fair share of ones in a life time shots.

There is camping, hiking and fishing to be enjoyed by even the novice. It is a place to take in the creations of God and soak in all the inspirations of life.

If it wasn't for the long harsh winters, I could make this place my home. So for now I will enjoy it each summer with my favorites cousins from the east and the west side of our great nation. Yellowstone, until nest time, keep on being spectacular.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Little Find

I found something new today. It was so little I almost missed it. If fact, if it had not moved I would not have noticed it. My little find was this leaf bug.

If it had been on a leaf I would not had seen it. God created this bug with its own camouflage. It is meant to blend into tree leaves.

My camera had a hard time focusing on this little find. One reason was because it would not stay still and the other was it size.

I wonder how many people in my life I have not notice because they blended into their surrounding, some by choice, others because I was to involved in my own circumstances to notice them? Too many I am sure.

This little find made me aware that I need to pay attention a little more to my friends, family and other people that God puts in my path.

The greatest finds I can think of are the ones that God shows me each day. And that is His love and mercy.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Caterpillar meet bug.  Bug meet caterpillar. My grandson seems to be fascinated by bugs. Every time we go on our nature walks he has to examine each and every insect. Not only that, he has to show everyone who has the misfortune to past our way.

I have never seen so many different types of bugs. I can't say I like insects. Yet, I know there is a reason for their place on this fine earth.

I can say the same things about people. There are so many different types of people. There is a reason for each and every one of us. I don't always like everyone. But I know that God cares for each of his creations.

Big and small, bug or human, we are all unique.  And I would not have it any other way.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Lost and Found

Yesterday while walking around Harford Glenn with my grandson I lost the extension tub to my camera. The problem was, I did not even notice that it was off my camera.

After attending the writer's group I took a friend back to Harford Glenn to show her some of the neat things. Getting the camera out of the car I notice that the tub was missing. I figured it was lost for good.

I took Sally to one of my favorite spot. Sitting on the ground by the tree where I had taken pictures earlier was the tub. What was once lost was now found.

I love how God is in the lost and found business. He knows how much I love sharing His wonders. God cares even about simple things.

If God cares about finding the simple things, just think how much more He cares about finding you. If you are lost, let Him find you. Believe me it will make your day just as finding my tub made mine.  

Friday, August 9, 2013


One of the most unusual bird I got to see on my vacation was this Crossbill. It took stopping at one of the many rest areas to stretched out our legs to catch a sighting of one.

My question is, "How in the world does she eat?" It seems that the bill would get in the way. Yet God in His infinite wisdom gave this Crossbill the right tools to do the job.

Sometime I wonder how in the world can I do anything that God wants me to do. I feel inadequate to do the task at hand. Yet God in His infinite wisdom gives me the right tools to do the job.

So like this Crossbill, I might look funny to others. But it is that very unique element about me that God uses to tell His story of love and grace. Funny looking or not I am ready to do the job.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Open Up

Just like the sunflower in this picture we stay closed. We are afraid to open up and let the world see the beauty that is within. We see everyone around us shining and receiving the light of God's glory. Yet we stay closed to the blessings that God wants to shower on us.

How do we begin to open up to the world around us? One petal at a time. God did not create us to remain closed. He created us to shine and allow the world to see the full beauty of God's love and mercy.

When we start to open up to God's will in our lives we open up a world of wonders. I want to open up my mind, body and soul to a loving God who want me to be a light for others to see even if it's only one petal at a time.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Rain Rain Rain

Rain. Rain. Rain. Today is a stay at home and catch up on house work or learning to use my new computer day. I hate the rain.

Yet I know that the rain helps the flowers to grow, in turn, helps the butterfly to grow, in turn, helps me to grow.

Rain has its good points. We can not live without the water to refresh, renew and clean our lives.

There are times that I need to rethink the directions my life is going in. Days like this helps me to slow down and take stock of my dreams and purposes. What does God want me to do?

I want God to rain down His blessings and wisdom so that I can be refreshed, renewed and cleansed. I want it to rain rain rain so that I can grow grow grow.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Give me a W

For the past year I have been working on getting pictures of God's ABCs. I search high and low for anything that might represent any letter. So I was please that this duck look like it was giving me a W.

A lot of my ABCs was lost when my other laptop died. So here I go starting to gather new letters. There is an site called Dropbox that I did save my first ABCs. Thankfully I just need to get good solid letters.

So give me a W and any other letters that only comes from God. I am ready to share and serve.