I could spend hours watching the green herons fishing for small fishes and tadpoles. This day was no exception. I came across this heron busy catching tadpoles. He had no idea that I was just a few yards away behind a bush.
I did my best not to do any sudden moves as not to scare him away. When out of no where a helicopter flew overhead and scared both the heron and me out of our minds.
I can not count the times that I have been scared out of my mind. Tonight for example, work let me out early to beat the rain storm home. They know how afraid of driving in rain storms I am.
There was the time that my youngest son fell down a flight of cement steps, cracked his head open and went into a seizure. I was beyond scared out of my mind.
Than when my daughter was three years old, she showed up missing. I was scared out of my mind because a week earlier a five year old girl was found dead a block away.
Another time my oldest son decided it would be a good thing to jump onto a moving car only to fall off face first into the pavement. He ended up in intensive care with several factors around his eye socket. I was scared out of my mind that he would loose his one eye.
Each time I had family, friends and of course God on my side. I could write a whole book of the many times my children have scared me out of my mind.
I am so glad that God is there all the time to put my mind back. I just hope the green heron fared as well.