Thursday, May 28, 2015

Snake Surprise

There are just too cute. A pair of chickadees were taking turns feeding their babies. As I made my way around the post with the nest inside, the chickadee in the tree next to the post was having a fit.

This was kind of unusual. They know me well and always seemed to be okay with me being nearby. It was than when I notice that the chickadee was not looking at me, but next to me.

There only inches away from my foot was this four foot long black snake. If I had taken one more step, I would have stepped right onto the snake.

I am not really afraid of snakes. But I sure do not want to be this close to one. I stayed by the post to discourage the snake from going after the chickadee nest.

So the snake proceeded to go up the tree. I have never seen one climb a tree before. So I stayed and took several pictures as he made his way to the top of the tree.

With in minutes the tree was covered grackles. They were coming from all directions to go after the snake. There must have been a nest there, Even some robins, cardinals and an oriole seemed to get into the act.

This makes me think, this is what it must be like when the devil attacks. With in minutes, Christians comes from all directions and work together to stop the devil. He does not stand a chance when we all, through the power of God, put the devil in his place.

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