For weeks now I have been keep tabs on a mother goose sitting on a nest. Year after year, I have been trying to get some good shots of baby geese hatching. It was exciting to find a nest where I can get close and personal. Yet, it seemed like it was taking a long time for the geese to arrive.
This past weekend, I ran into a fellow birder. So, I asked her how long does the incubation period last for the eggs. She told me that there were no eggs in the nest. That some time back the eggs were eaten by a fox or some other critter.
How sad. The mother goose refuses to leave the nest. She still thinks there are eggs inside.
With Mother's Day around the corner, I have to think about all the mothers that have lost a child or never got to have one. How sad they must be on this day. There is always hope.
We are all God's children. He cares about our lives and the trials we face. He knows the pain of losing a child. When we put our sorrows at His feet, He carries them to His heart.
I am praying for the mother goose. I am also praying for all the mothers who dread facing Mother's Day. Healing will come.
This is sad. We have three families in our back yard and the parents fight each other over space. I think they've finally settled down to know which group can live where and which ground classifies as free range. One family has three, another four, and the third has five goslings. How really sad for a mother goose to have none at all.