The sun shines brightly and the weather is ripe for a nature walk. The Conowingo Dam beckons my husband and me. So, off we go hoping to catch another adventure of God's creatures.
When we got there, the shoreline is full with fishermen trying to get their catch. The thing that surprised me, was how the cormorant were swimming right there beside them. They were waiting for the men to throw a free meal out to them, just like the one pictured above.
We took our walk down the path and back without much excitement. When we made our way back to fishermen, I stood there and kept an eye on the many cormorants. Not one seems to be able to bring up a fish. Just as we were ready to call it a day, up popped one with a big fish in his mouth followed by another who was intent on getting it for himself. The cormorant battle was on.
The bigger fellow overtook the smaller one and managed to get the fish. The younger cormorant put up a good fight and the battled raged on for some time. At one point, they both had a hold of the fish at the same time.
The older cormorant held on tight. The younger one was persistent and kept moving in, only to come up short.
One last try, but the larger one was just too strong and soon had the fish in his throat.
Within minutes the fish was gone. The cormorant battle was over and the younger one left defeated. But, not to worry. There were many more fishes jumping in and out of the water.
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