Thursday, January 25, 2018

Catch You Hawk

Well, it finally happened. It has only taken years after years of searching to finally get the shot. But, what I had to go through to get it is another story.

It was a beautiful day to go walking at the Mariner. Met several of my Mariner friends walking and enjoying the day. A few days ago one bird watcher told me how she had gotten several pictures of two red-shouldered hawks eating on a fish. I admit it. I was jealous.

When I made my way to one of my favorite spot, I notice movement down the bank. At first, I thought it was a great blue heron. It was too far away to make it out with the naked eye. Looking through my camera, my heart skipped a beat. It was a hawk eating on a fish.

The problem. He was too far away to get a decent shot. There was only one choice for me. I had to go through the thickets, climb over fallen tree and sneak up on the hawk.

At one point, he looked up and saw me. I was sure he would fly away. A few more steps and I got the shot. In fact I got off several pictures before he flew away dropping the fish.

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