For too many years that I dear to count, I have been trying to get a meadowlark. I know where they can be found. I see them posted on Facebook by other birders. Yet, with all my effort, I could not find one.
Several years ago while on vacation with my cousins, we came a cross a Western meadowlark. That was exciting. Because of this, I was more determine to find a Eastern meadowlark.
This past Sunday, while driving around one of my favorite pond, I spotted a beautiful red-shouldered hawk on the hunt. So, I pulled over and watched hoping to see him catch anything. After about ten minutes, he flew away empty handed.
As I started to put my camera away, I notice movement at the bottom of the tree that the hawk just flew off of. The bright yellow color caught my eyes. This was a bird that I had not seen before.
Once I got the bird into focus, I knew that I was seeing an eastern meadowlark for the first time. I love seeing the hawk. But, that lark made my day.
The first meadowlark showed me that I should never give up. When I least expect it, my dreams do come true. Not the way I planned it, or where I think it should happen, but when it is God's timing.
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