Of course smoking is not cute. It is a bad habit. We all deal with bad habits. It is not always wrong what we do like having a drink or eating. It is doing it in excess that makes it bad.
When we allow drinks, food or even hobbies control our actions and time, we make it into a bad habit.
I have become somewhat obsessed with taking pictures. When my last camera broke, I was having nightmares about not being able to take pictures. I would wake up in cold sweats. It had become a bad habit.
While I do carry my new camera everywhere I go, I have to monitor myself and not obsess about getting that shot. I am trying to balance my time with God when I am walking around. I spend time in prayer, reflection and awe in the wonders that is all around me. I want my pictures to witness the glory of our Creator.
It is my prayer that whoever gets to read my blogs and view my pictures, that you are able to see God just a little.
Love your article, Dawn. Keep up the great work of glorifying The Creator!