What you don't see is that the canvasbacks were hanging around the ring-necks to steal food from them as the ring-necks surface from their dives. It really was funny to see.
Earlier in the week the canvasbacks were doing the same things to a group of coots. They were just being a bunch of free-loaders.
There are times in our life that we have to deal with free-loaders. There are times we are the free-loaders.
I feel that way sometimes when I turn to God for my daily needs. It seems like that is all I do is take from God and give nothing back in return. Yet I know that God gives freely and abundantly all that He has. That I can never ask too much of Him or take what He has not given me already. All He ask in return is from me is my love. Starting today, I give you my unconditional love. I don't want to be a free-loader like the canvasbacks.
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