Monday, February 10, 2014


This past ice storm was a sight to behold. With all the beauty it created it also caused a lot of damage. As I made my rounds looking for opportunity to get a good ice picture I could see where several trees and wires were laying on the ground from the weight of the ice. There were power outages and traffic lights out. Yet I still sat in awe at the beauty of the icing.

While I was taking pictures of the trees that my car was under I was hit with icicles falling from the branches. I was glad that I was in the car. I put the car in gear and got out of the way.

When chaos invades my life, I feel like my dreams are being weighed down by the icing of foul weather. The ice gets so thick that my dreams fall to the ground in pieces.

But I know where to turn when life is falling around me. God leads me and sustains me in the worst of weather. When I look back I am in awe at the icings and God's protections.

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