Did you here? Winter is coming with a vengeance. Are you ready?
I have been watching the squirrels collecting leaves, nuts and other materials getting ready for winter. I wonder if they knew that we are getting hit with one epic snow storm this weekend?
All over the news the "B" word is being thrown out there. You know, "Blizzard". It is not a word that the weather man uses often. This is one word we need to be prepared for as the storm makes it way to our part of town.
My daughter works at a grocery store and tells me what a mad house these past two days have been, Tomorrow is the last chance to get your toilet papers, milk and what ever you made need to survive this weekend. I will be after lots of snack food.
There is something about being trapped inside that brings out the munchies in me. Am I ready. No! But I will survive. Like this squirrel, I will have collected all I need to make it through this blizzard.
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