Several weeks ago, I was invited to have lunch with two friends. Just before heading to Judy's place, she asked if we would like tuna. So, in my mind I was thinking tuna fish sandwich. When we got there, I thought I had arrived at a fancy restaurant.
Judy is one of those people who like to treat you as if you were one of a kind friend. She is talented, kind-hearted and goes beyond the norm to help you. I have learn so much from her.
We all know what the acronym WWJD means, "What Would Jesus Do?" Well, I sometime ask myself "What Would Judy Do?" She has influence my life in such a way that I find myself doing what she would do.
Jesus has influence my life as well. Through my walk with Him, I learn so much.
In a couple of days from now, I will have another lunch time with Judy. But everyday, I have my lunch times with Jesus. Having both of them in my life has made me a better person and friend.
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