The squirrel was putting on a show for my friend and me. The noise she was making caught our attention. We watched her for a while trying to figure out what she was so upset about. She kept covering the hole in this tree.
We were so busy taking pictures, that we did not notice the red-shouldered hawk sitting higher in the tree. It was not until the hawk flew down that we understood what the squirrel was so upset about. Before the hawk could get a meal, the squirrel was inside the hole in a flash.
This squirrel was putting her life on the line protecting the baby squirrels inside the hole.
I wonder how many times I would put my life on the line for another? I would like to think that it would be every time.
I am glad that there was someone who did put His life on the line for me. Jesus not only put His life on the line, but gave it for me. Like the squirrel who was protecting her babies, I am now under the protection of Jesus.
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