Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Look Out Fawn

I always love getting the chance to take a picture of baby animals. Nothing is cuter than a fawn.
We just happened to spot this deer with a fawn along the roadside. The fawn did not seemed to be afraid. While the mother was looking out for the fawn, the fawn was looking out for us. He was just as curious about us as we were about him. His mother did persuade the fawn to run into the woods with her.
Sometime we get curious about what we do not understand. There can be danger in that. But we do have a God who protects us from our own curiosities. He is there to persuade us to follow him. When we do we make it to safety.
Today I will follow God where ever He leads, because I know my curiosity can get me into trouble. I need to look out for God and not to things that takes my eyes off of Him.

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