Sunday, September 30, 2012

He Loves Me! He Loves Me Not!

How many times have you picked a daisy and pull the petals out saying "He loves me! He loves me not!?"
Growing up with the many crushes I had on the man of the hour I have laid to rest many daisy.
But I really did not need a daisy to know if God loves me or not. The bible spells out the many ways that God loves me. The greatest is through the gift of His Son.
Now that I am older and wiser, I don;t need daisies to find out if He loves me or not. I just need to look to Jesus and know. He loves me.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Swimming Caterpillar

Can a Caterpillar swim?
Well! I would have said no a few days ago. But to my surprise I watch this one swim from one place to another.
He just wiggled and wiggled until he got safely onto a branch sticking out of the water. I figured that he was stay there. But to my surprise again he jumped back into the water and proceeded to swim.
I guess you never know what you are capable of doing until you take the plunge.
I have no idea where this little guy was heading but he did inspire me to not be afraid to jump into what ever project God has for me. I am good at wiggling my way through things. I am ready to take the plunge.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Killed the Mouse?

When you take a look at this picture you have to ask "What killed the mouse?"

Upon further investigation you surmise that it was the cigarette that done the mouse in.

But you can be jumping the gun. Could poison be the weapon of choose against this pour defenseless rodent?
Or could it have been a big giant cat?
The answer is?
It was the cat. Each morning our cat leaves his catch of the night at our door step. It just so happened this one morning a cigarette was resting against the mouth of the mouse.
The lesson. Things are not always what they seem. We are quick to judge what we see before we get all the answers.
Of course since I was not there when the mouse died. It could have been the cigarette. LOL

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hungry Eyes

If I didn't know any better I would think that this buzzard was looking at me with hungry eyes. He probably was thinking was a nice meal I would make for him. Of course I am not going to give him the satisfaction of chowing down on me.
The devil looks at me with hungry eyes also. He seeks to devour me and spit me out. Well I am not going to give him the satisfaction either.
When I seek to live my life for God the devil can't touch me. He can cause things to happen that makes my life hard. But he can't hurt me because I am covered by the blood of Christ.
So I can tell the devil and the buzzard go ahead and have hungry eyes for me. Because you can't have me. I belong to God.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Grow Where You are Planted

Sometime we just have to accept the fact that we need to grow where we are planted. It might be by a mansion or in front of a run down shack. It could be by a roadside truck stop or the gardens of the White House. Whatever the spot we need to make the most of it and grow into the person that God wills for us.
I don't always like the living arrangement that I am in. I wanted a place I could call my own. You know the one with the white picked fence around a two car garage by a rippling stream.
But God had other plans for me. I need to flourish where He has planted me. I need to see beyond my circumstances and drink in the blessings that is all around me. Only than will I grow healthy and strong for the Lord.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

It's Just a Bat

Today as I was out doing what I enjoy (taking pictures), I noticed a bird flying kind of funny. Than I realized what it was. It was a bat.
This was the first time that I saw a bat at the Mariner. It was fun watching it zig and zag among the bugs.
At one time I would be afraid of them. But now that I understand God's creatures a little better, I find that I look forward to the discovery of a new thing to take pictures of. He was actually kind of cute.
What new discoveries have you see lately? Don't be afraid to go out and see the wonders of God's creations. Even if it is just a bat.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

That's Hard to Swallow

I sat and watch this heron try his best to eat his catch. But the problem was the catfish was just too big.
Each time he would start to swallow the catfish it would get stuck and he would end up spitting it back out.
Before the fish could swim away he would spear it with his beak and work it back into his mouth only to spit it back out again.
That catfish was just too hard to swallow.
How many times in my life do I try to take a stab at something, try to swallow it and find that it is just to hard to swallow? I take on things that are just to big for me to handle.
Just like the heron I keep stabbing it hoping this time around I can get it down. I need to let it go and try for something a little more easier to swallow.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Unfair Race

On your mark! Get set! Go!
It does seem to be an unfair race. The man with the surfboard and paddle can not even compete with the speed boat. Yet in life we try to race against the odds.
How many times have I tried to compete with those who are more capable to do the job. I paddle like there is no tomorrow only to barely make it through the day. I wear myself out and wonder what I am doing so wrong.
Than I realize that I am one of those people that God made to go slowly through life. He has made me this way for a reason. I do not need to keep up with the speed boats. I just need to keep pace with the will of God.
When I do this I can finish the race that is set before me. So on God's mark, I get set and paddle slowly.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Are You Looking at Me?

This elk seems to be asking me as I took the picture "Are you looking at me?"
I wanted to say "Of course I'm looking at you. How often do I get to see an elk out in the wild."
Of course I was ready to run if he decided to charge.
Since I got involved with the love of taking pictures, I find many things out in the wild that I have never seen. The challenge is to get a half way decent shot of the many creatures that I get to see along the way. It sure helps when they stay still long enough.
When we stay still long enough we can look to God and see all the plans He has for us.
God does seem to be asking me a lot "Are you looking at me?"
I want to say "Of course."
How often do I get to see my creator? Every time I take a picture.

Monday, September 17, 2012

There is Music in the Air

Doesn't this cloud look like a musical note? Come on. Stretch your imagination just a little. Okay!  Maybe a lot. Well, to me it looks like a musical note.
Many times when I am out walking I listen to the many sounds they come through the air. It may be a squirrel chattering his alert to another or a catbird mimicking the chattering of a squirrel. I enjoy the whistling of the wind through the branches. What ever it is, it becomes music to my ear.
I follow the sounds and watch the beauty of creation sing to the creator. I find myself also joining in the chorus. I sing His praises with my pictures, words and life. I want my life song to be music in the air to God.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Unusual Bugs

While taking my grandson out for our nature walks we came across these unusual bugs. Any guess to what these are?
Many times I come across unusual things in nature. They are only unusual because I have never seen them before. But to anyone who works with bugs would see this as normal. Why? Because that is what their specialty.
Sometime I find unusual things in the bible. I have no clue what certain verses may mean. So I go to someone who specialize in scriptures. With their help I can figure out what the meaning of each line of scriptures.
So what unusual thing have you come across? I hope you find someone who can explain to you what you are seeing. Like these bug. I would love to know what these are.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Urban Myth?

I think I just witness an urban myth today. You always hear stories that you are not sure what to believe. Like Paul Bunyan and his ox. How much of this story real?
Well, today while having lunch with a dear friend she almost because part of an urban myth. At least I think she did.
When we went to our cars to leave someone approach my friend while she was getting ready to get in. As I headed to her car the young man turned and walked away.
I asked, "What was that all about?"
She replied, "He asked if I used perfume?"
I once heard about an urban myth that talks about guys coming to you as you try to get in your car. They ask if you use perfume and if you would like to try a sample of theirs. It turns out it is ready either and they end up robbing you or worse.
My friend and I watch as he approached several other cars. When I witness a second man joining the first that when I decided to call the cops. My conscious would not let me leave the parking lot until I was sure the polices were on their way.
Were these men looking to do harm? I rally can't say. They could be two young man trying to make a living. But you never know these days. You need to be careful.
So was I witnessing an urban myth in action. I sure hope not.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wren Surprise

The other day I surprise a wren as I round the corner. I have been trying to get a half way descent picture of one for sometime now. This one did not seem to mind that I surprised it. As I clicked the camera he would strike a poise. I got the right side, the left side and the hind side along with a front view. It was a nice surprise.
There are times that a simple thing can make the day complete. A call from a friend, a dollar on the ground or a wren surprise can make life seem better for just a moment. Believe me we all need to moments.
What was your wren surprise today?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fries With That?

We have all heard the expression "You want fries with that?" It is as though they expect you to say yes. The order doesn't seem complete without the fries.
Of course with all the starch and trans fat in them it might be a good idea to say no.
I seldom get fries with my meal. When I do I eat very little. I am trying to eat healthier and making better choices.
At work I no longer get snacks out of the vending machine. At first it was hard. But now I don't even crave them.
Do I want fries with my meals? Not anymore.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Connecting Sunday

Every so often my church does what is called Connecting Sunday. It is a time for members to see the many different groups that are in the church,  like my Writers' Group.
Each spot at the tables shows the many different interests that our church has to offer and give those seeking to belong a place to check out and get more information as they make their way around the tables.
My spot was right between the surfer's group and the rider's group. So I could have written about the rider that surf the web. LOL.
It was nice to see how God is using our groups to meet the needs of our members. What group are you involved with in your church? If you are not involved I encourage you to get connected. Find a bible study or a specialty group (like mine) that can use your talents and gifts.
What are you waiting for? Sign up today

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Good Deed During the Storm

I got to witness another good deed today. On my way to work I watched as the storm clouds came rolling in. You know I was praying really hard that I would make it into the store before the rain came pouring down. Well, I did make it in.
After a few minutes the clouds let go soaking anyone who dare to get caught in it.
I watched as a young mother holding onto her infant and pushing a cart full raced to her car. The rain was relentless and she along with the baby were getting drenched.
Three car down another older women jumped out of her car and ran over to aid the young mother. Within a few minutes the young family were safe inside the vehicle while the older women took the empty cart and put it back. Amidst  the storm I got to witness a good deed.
It warmed my heart to know that there are still people out there willing to help another during the storms of life. I know I need to be on the look out and not stand on the sideline because I am too afraid of getting wet.
Maybe tomorrow.

Friday, September 7, 2012


I always knew that TGIF stands for "Thank God it's Friday". Today on the radio I hear the DJ say that is could mean "Thank God I'm Forgiven". I this I like this version better,
I always thank God for all the blessings in my life. I lift my hand to the One who forgives me. In His hand I am safe and secure.
So today I TGIF, "Thank God I'm Forgiven".

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Smooth Sailing

Don't you wish life was all smooth sailing? That you didn't have to face the storms that always seems to hit you when you are already down? I do.
But life is not all smooth sailing. The seas get rough and you get tossed around like a beach ball. So how do you stay calm when the storms of life hits?
Well, I rely on my Father in heaven to calm the waters. Through my walk with Him I can rest in the assurance that I will not drown, but grow stronger.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Happy Sunflower

Sometime we just need to smile. Today seeing this happy face sunflower did just that for me. Of course being able to take pictures of these sunflower put a smile on my face as well.
I need to remember that I can't always take life so seriously. I need to take time out and just have fun.
So today I had fun.
Tomorrow I will get back to being serious, maybe.