Tuesday, September 11, 2018

A Cloudy Day

Where is the sunshine? All I see are clouds. The rain just does not seem to want to end. Now there is a hurricane heading for the east coast. Now there is more rain to an already soaked ground. Where will all the water go?

I love blue skies and fluffy clouds. Like this picture, I can make out a puppy right in the center. There are many things I see in the clouds as they pass on. This is one of my favorite pass time.

Now, I love to watch a good old fashion thunder storm, with all the lightening shows. After this past week worth of storms, this is a little bit too much. When will it all end?

God made the seasons for us to enjoy. We need the rain, the sunshine and the cloudy days. I just wish we could send some of the water to the states that need it due to drought. That is my prayer.

We do need to pray for all those who will be hit hard by Hurricane Florence. We need to get back to seeing just a cloudy day full of fluffy pictures.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Busy Flycatcher

It moved so fast. With one fast swoop it nabbed the flying insect and flew back to the limb of the tree. Perched, it looks for the next small morsel to past within its grasp. Before you can blink you eyes it is off again.

This busy flycatcher was getting his fill of the many flying bugs that swarmed around the trees. He did not care that I was standing just feet away enjoying his activities.

I love how God provides for his many creatures. If He cares for something as simple as this small little bird, how much more does He cares for me?

Like this flycatcher, I can get so busy trying to catch my next opportunity, that I am unaware of my surroundings. I need to stay still and wait on God to direct my path.

With God's leading, I will get my fill of the morsels of grace that swarms all around me. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A Cycle Of Life

I try each year to catch the whole cycle of the life of a butterfly. It started when I first saw the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly several years ago. I caught the bug for bugs.

The past two weeks I have been keeping an eye on the monarch at Harford Glen. I had hope to see the butterfly in the picture emerge from the chrysalis. This is the one thing that I have not been able to capture on film.

I do like this picture as it shows a cycle of the butterfly. With each stage there is a period of growth. The caterpillar spends weeks eating and growing. Then it is time to create the next stage by forming the chrysalis.

Just a few feet away on another leaf I spy a caterpillar attaching himself for the next cycle. Below, there is another feeding.

I will keep trying and keep taking pictures. I will get the whole cycle of life.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Back To School

Tomorrow children from all over will be going back to school. Some for the first time and others it will be their last year. Whatever the case, the first day is always a bit scary.

Making new friends, meeting new teachers and learning new things can bring you to your knees. It is not easy to start over. As the days moves on, you will forget how afraid you were and thing will get easier.

This week, I also will start my first day at a new job. I do not know what to expect, yet, through past experiences, I know with each day it will get easier. 

As each child walk through the school doors tomorrow, I will be praying that this year will be a safe and excited one for them all. I will also be praying that my new job will be just as safe and exciting.

Tomorrow is the first day we all go back to school, work or some other new adventures. I can not wait to see what the future hold for us all.