Sunday, July 12, 2015


At the entrance of the shopping center not far from my place sits a garden that is very colorful. As long as there are no cars behind me, I drive by this garden slowly so as to take in the beauty of all the colors.

Every garden no mater how small or big, hold some kind of beauty. The reason for this, is the love and attention that is given to the flowers, plants and bushes put there by the planter.

God puts in the same kind of love and attention to each of his creations, The world, His garden has more colors than anyone could even begin to imagine. The beauty takes my breath away.

I am so glad that I get to be a part of God's colorful garden.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


I made my way around the Mariner only to come to the end of the path and find it blocked by a fallen tree. There was a dilemma. Do I turn around and go back the way I came? Maybe I can find a way around the tree. I could crawl under it. Not! So what was I to do?

While I was pondering my next move, a man with his dog came through the tree. It turned out that there was enough room to bend down and go through the branches, into the grass and make it past the tree. It was nice to be able to see the top of the tree without climbing it.

I think of the many road blocks that gets in my way on my journey through life. When I wait on God, He shows me the way around them. It is not always easy. I might get some scrapes and bruises along the way. But it is worth the trip.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015


When I watch the many nature channels, I see the many ways they trapped animals. The turtle man and the crocodile team use their bare hands, while others hunters uses different types of traps.

While walking around Harford Glen I notice one of those such trap sitting under one of the building porch. After several days the trap catches its attendance target. Sitting inside was a scare ground hog. I felt sorry for him. Yet, I know that they are a nuisance and causes a lot of damage.

I wish there was a way we could set out traps for the devil. He is such a nuisance and disrupts many lives. It is great that we have a loving God who we can rely on to protects us from the damage the devil causes us.

God sets out His traps and free us from worrying over the devil. I for one am glad for those traps.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Scared Out Of His Mind

I could spend hours watching the green herons fishing for small fishes and tadpoles. This day was no exception. I came across this heron busy catching tadpoles. He had no idea that I was just a few yards away behind a bush.

I did my best not to do any sudden moves as not to scare him away. When out of no where a helicopter flew overhead and scared both the heron and me out of our minds.

I can not count the times that I have been scared out of my mind. Tonight for example, work let me out early to beat the rain storm home. They know how afraid of driving in rain storms I am.

There was the time that my youngest son fell down a flight of cement steps, cracked his head open and went into a seizure. I was beyond scared out of my mind.

Than when my daughter was three years old, she showed up missing. I was scared out of my mind because a week earlier a five year old girl was found dead a block away.

Another time my oldest son decided it would be a good thing to jump onto a moving car only to fall off face first into the pavement. He ended up in intensive care with several factors around his eye socket. I was scared out of my mind that he would loose his one eye.

Each time I had family, friends and of course God on my side. I could write a whole book of the many times my children have scared me out of my mind.

I am so glad that God is there all the time to put my mind back. I just hope the green heron fared as well.