Monday, April 29, 2019

Curiosity Gets The Willet

On my way to church this past Sunday, I made my way past the marsh. I noticed that there were two men with their cameras on tripods. Curiosity got the best of me and I had to pull over. Upon asking them what they were seeing, they pointed out a willet far into the marsh.

I could not see it, even with my camera panning along the vegetation. One of the guys showed me the pictures he had just taken. Now, I knew what to look for and there it was, a willet.

This is a new bird visiting the marsh, one that I never thought I would see. I almost did not, if it was not for my stopping to see what the guys were looking at. Curiosity got me the willet.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Worth It

Today, I woke up excited about going to Harford Glen. This is one of my favorite place to visit and I looked forward to taking some great pictures. I have to say it was a little disappointing and not worth the trip.

My husband was with me and we decided to check out the Mariner. It started off slow. At one of my special spot to catch the great blue heron proved to be a little disappointing. The heron was there, but, not much action.

As we headed back up the step, the men fishing called out to us and pointed to an osphey that had just caught a fish. Now this was worth it. I could go home feeling like it was a good day.

It was time to leave. Heading to the car, we ran across a family walking a dog that reminded us of an old dog of ours. My husband stopped to talk to them. Low and behold it turns out to be his cousin that he had not seen in over twenty years. This was well worth the trip.

While catching up with them, another surprise can around the bend. It was a old co-worker from Toys R Us. It was good to see her and catch up. This was worth the trip.

The day started off pretty boring. Yet, as the day went on, it just kept getting better and better. Today was worth it.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Peanut Battle

Every time I enter the park at the Mariner, I make sure I have my peanuts. The squirrels expect their share of the bag full of proteins. As I tossed out the peanuts the squirrels battled each other to be the first to grab one.

They are not the only creatures that seek these morsels. The many birds, like the nuthatch, titmouse and blue jay fly in to get their share.

This day a female mallard flew in to snatch a peanut for herself. I not use to seeing ducks eat peanuts. Yet, every once in a while they follow me to get peanuts.

I was by the tree where a squirrel has a nest. As the duck came closer to me to get another nut, the mother squirrel shot out of her tree and chased the duck away. She not only scared the duck, she scared the crap out of me.

Once I got my wits back, I tossed her a few peanuts. She eat her fill and proceeded to go back to her babies. She made one last look at me as to say thanks and disappeared inside the hole.