Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hang Out On a Limb

I was impress at how far the squirrel would hang out on a limb to get some food. I was sure he would fall to the ground at any moment. But he didn't. He just hung out there and enjoyed his meal.
Sometime I am just as impress with people and how far they will go to get what they are after. Whether it is for the good or the bad they will do anything to get it.
There are time that I find myself doing things I would not normally do to get to the next stage of my life. I am not saying that I would do something bad or against the law. But I would do things not expected of me.
What I want to be known for however is how far I would go to serve Jesus. How I would hang out on a limb to please Him. I would risk falling to the ground on my face if that is what it would take to honor Him.
It is nice to know that I do not have to do that. Jesus did take the fall and hung on His limbs for me. There is nothing more that I could do but give my life completely over to Him. Today I am hanging out on a limb for Jesus.

Monday, January 30, 2012

My Cousins/My Friends

Family is family and you can't get rid of them. But there are a few who becomes friends as well. You can tell them anything and you know it is safe. I have a few like that. We share the same views and love for nature. They are the ones who got me into taking pictures. So when they come to visit I have to show off some of my favorite spots for picture taken.
We go on vacation together. We play Words With Friends on Facebook. We call each other with news. I can't imagine what I would do without them in my life.
Friends and family aside, The best friend I have is Jesus. Without Him in my life I could do nothing. I come to Him with all my prayers and praises. I love showing Him my faith in His directions for me. He has given me the desires of my heart many times over. He is family.
Today when I do my walk with Jesus, I will be giving thanks for all my family and friends. I will give thanks that I get to be a part of Jesus' family as well. Thank you Jesus.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


When the day is clear and the water is still you can see your reflection in the water. It acts as a mirror. I am always looking for an opportunity to get reflection pictures. It is cool when you can turn a picture around and not be able to tell the different.
Yet when we look at our own reflection we can turn around and forget what we have just seen. We forget the flaws, the imperfections that hinders our life walk with Jesus. We need to turn back around and take a good look at ourselves and ask for guidance.
Today as I take a look in the mirror I will seek Jesus reflection not mine.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Rare Sighting

While going to the Conowingo Dam to try and get some pictures of the eagles flying around my husband and I came across a rare sighting. It was this peacock. What made it rare was that he was just off the side of the road in the wild. We don't have wild peacock in Maryland.
I found out later that there is a peacock farm off the road a bit. But this did not stop it from being a rare sighting for me.
I love it when God throws out little surprises for me to enjoy. He seems to know when I need a lift me up.
Since I have been going out regularly looking for rare sightings, I find that I am learning more about myself and God plans for me. I am seeing the rare person God has created me to be. When others look to me. I want to instill in them the rare person that God has created in them. More and more each day I see how rare everyone of my family, friends and coworkers are to me. Thank you all for being in my life and giving me the rare opportunity to know you.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Silhouette pictures are fun to try and take. You don't have to see all the details to get the message you are trying to make through your picture. Not that this picture has a message. But I like the simpleness of it.
Is the morning dove part of the branch? Or does the end of the branch look like a morning dove?
It is the contrast that makes this a fun picture.
Sometime we only see the silhouette of God. We can't see all the detail of Him. The contrast is clearly seen, but the purpose for our life is not. This is easily remedy. By getting more in the word of God the picture become clearer and we start to see the details. Only than can we see the picture the way that God has attended us to see.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Watching You

I love the way the turtle in this picture is keeping his eye on the worm.
Do you ever feel like some one is eyeing you?
It is almost like they are watching every move ready to pouch on you, waiting for you to make a mistake. You search and see no one. Yet you can't shake off the feeling even though there is no one around.
Well, there is someone watching everything you do. Jesus. He is keeping His eyes on you ready to help you through difficult times and good times. He is not like a lion seeking to devour. He is like a brother, friend and savior seeking to guide us on the path we should take.
I take comfort in knowing that I am being watched. I hope that Jesus is pleased with what He is seeing in my life. As you watch me, I hope you see a little bit of Jesus in my actions. I hope you too can take comfort in knowing that someone is watching you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


What you see in this picture is a group of canvasbacks and ring-necked ducks swimming together.
What you don't see is that the canvasbacks were hanging around the ring-necks to steal food from them as the ring-necks surface from their dives. It really was funny to see.
Earlier in the week the canvasbacks were doing the same things to a group of coots. They were just being a bunch of free-loaders.
There are times in our life that we have to deal with free-loaders. There are times we are the free-loaders.
I feel that way sometimes when I turn to God for my daily needs. It seems like that is all I do is take from God and give nothing back in return. Yet I know that God gives freely and abundantly all that He has. That I can never ask too much of Him or take what He has not given me already. All He ask in return is from me is my love. Starting today, I give you my unconditional love. I don't want to be a free-loader like the canvasbacks.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Whenever I can, I get close-ups of squirrels. They are just too cute when they follow me around like lost puppies when I go to the Joppatowne Mariner. Of course they are after the peanuts that I always have in my pocket. But all the same, I think they take good pictures.
Just about anything that God has created is worth taking a picture of. Nature never disappoints me. It doesn't matter what seasons, time of day or weather condition there is, I always look for that shot of the day.
My hope is to encourage others to take time out each day and see the beauty that surrounds us. See through my camera what is out there. Than maybe life will not seem so hopeless. That there is hope beyond myself. That God cares.

Monday, January 23, 2012


When the camera focuses on the subject in the picture the rest of the picture becomes unfocused. This way the bird in this picture stands out for you to get a better view of it. You see more clearly the details of the subject.
There are times in my life that I lose focus and the picture of my life seems to fade away. I get involved in too many things. Soon I find myself unable to focus on the very thing that God wants me to give my full attention to in the first place.
When this happens , I need to stop what I am doing and refocus my life on God. He needs to be the center of my picture. Everything else needs to fade into the background.
Today I need to put the picture that God has for me out in front. I need to focus on His will for me. Only than will my life get back into focus.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Sometime I find beauty in the most unusual places. I love the way the roots of this tree are all intertwined. This work of God brings pleasure to my heart.
Some may look at this and just see a big fat mess. They can't see beyond the maize of roots all tangled-up. But God had a plan while the tree was growing.
There was a reason for each and every root that sprouted. Some roots grew in strength to hold the tree, while others spread out far and thin in search of life giving water to feed the tree. God used every inch of the root for a purpose.
My life sometime seems to get all twisted-up. I get so intertwine in many directions. Confusion takes over and I find myself lost in my own mess. But God looks down and see His handwork in my life. Through the thick and thin He is there guiding me. He is making a clump of a mess into a work of art. I am glad He is in control of my life. I would have it no other way.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Blend In

Do you see the butterfly/moth in this picture? ( I am not really sure which one it really is.) It has landed on the leaf and blended in the leaf. If I hadn't see it land I would have never spotted it.
Sometime we just want to blend into our surroundings. We want to hide in plain sight. We are afraid if someone noticed us we might have to do something we are not ready for. It might be a promotion, more responsibilities or a move to a new location. Whatever it is we should not be afraid.
I sometime find it difficult to share my life with anyone. I am afraid that they will want more from me. Yet I long to be notice until I realize I have to take the next step. What will people think about me.
One thing I know for sure is that I don't want to hide from God. I want Him to know me in and out. When God takes a closer look at me I want Him to be pleased with what He sees.
Just like the butterfly/moth on this leaf, when you take a closer look, you see the beauty that God has created in it. I want God's beauty to shine from me. Do you see it? Or am I blending in too much?

Friday, January 20, 2012

One of My Favorites.

One of my favorite bird to take pictures of is the Red-bellied Woodpecker. I just love the red stripe on top of his head. In this picture you can see clearly why he is called a Red-bellied Woodpecker.
What surprised me about this bird is the fact that he loves peanuts. Every time I come to the Mariner to try and get some new pictures I carry a bag of peanuts to entice the squirrels. What I have found is that the birds loves the peanut as well. I have gotten shots of many birds holding a peanut in their mouth.
Yet with all the pictures that I have taken, this is still my favorite.
So today I am just sharing a picture that I love with my friends. Thank you for visiting.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Got the Fox

Finally! I got a picture of the fox. The first time I missed my opportunity because my focus was on the squirrels running around a tree getting away from the fox. Another time I didn't have the time to get the camera up. The third time the pictures did not turn out well. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever get a picture of the fox.
What made things worst was the fact that other people were getting all kinds of great pictures. They seem to be at the right place at the right time.
Today as I was walking around I was thanking the Lord for letting me see the fox. I did not need to get a picture to enjoy one of God's creatures.
I was thinking that it was ok if I never get a good shot of the fox. So I decided to go to one of my favorite spot to take pictures. Just across the water laying on a tree stump was my fox. I could not believe it. He didn't move either. I think he was just as surprise to see me as I was to see him. What a blessing it was. When I decided to let go, God gave me a desire of my heart.
Whenever I am out taking pictures I seem to get a little closer to God. This is my alone time. Yet I know that I am never alone. Thank you God for always being there for me.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

All Alone

There are times that you feel all alone in a sea of confusion and turmoil. Things aren't always in black or white. No matter where you seem to look there is a vast void all around you. As far as the eyes can see there is nothing but emptiness and hopelessness.
Yet, there is hope. If we look up we can see where our help will come from. It comes in a form of a cross. We step out in faith and receive salvation from our troubles, worries and woes. We see clearly the path that lays before us. We see Jesus.
Today I will find my rest and hope in my Savior. I will look past the emptiness to the fullness of His grace. I will no longer feel all alone.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

After the Rain

The best time to take pictures is after the rain. I love how the water droplets clings to the flowers and spiderwebs. Everything seems to come alive. The air is fresher, the grounds are cleaner and the plants gets their fill of the life giving drink that the rain has poured down on them.
Sometime the rains turn into storms that wipes out our homes, our safety and our hopes. When we band together we find that hope again in our family, friends and sometime strangers.
After the rains we get a better picture of God's plans for us. We sometime have to let go of the past and move forward to a new future. But when that future becomes our past we can see clearly why we had to go through the rainstorms of life.
I can only pray that after the rains comes into my life that I am able to allow God to refresh, renew and help me to move forward.

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Different Life Style

Arthur has been learning over the past several weeks about a different kind of life style. He has been learning about the life style of the people who call Germany their home. This picture show Arthur making a German dish with sausage and sauerkraut.
My great grandparents came over from Germany. So Arthur got to learn a little about his ancestors life style.
When I think about all the different places my ancestor came from, I get a better picture of the person I am. I am the combination of many nationalities. German, France, England and Ireland are just a few places that my ancestor's history are traced to.
Now I can trace my line to God. When I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I was joined to another life style. The life style of a Christian control my actions now. My desire is that I am able to past this life style down to my children and grandchildren and that they pass it on to their children as well. Only time will tell.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Paint Your Picture

Let me see if I could paint a picture for you. There are many ways to paint a picture. It could be through painting on a canvas, putting words on paper or taking pictures. It is a way to express your thoughts and ideas for others to see and understand the message that you are trying to convey.
I myself love to take pictures. I also love to put words on paper or in this case on the computer. The man in this picture loves to paint. He was nice enough to let me take his picture. Not only did I use my camera, he handed me his camera as well.
The picture I want to paint through words is; go out and enjoy the world that God has created for us. There is so much beauty around that we need to soak it in and share it with as many people as we can.
Yes, I know there are a lot of ugliness as well. Any artist will tell you that you have to balance the darkness with the light. I am just trying to shed a little more light in our world and to encourage you to paint your own picture for others to see.
I pray today you will see a whole new picture of your world through the eyes of God.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Follow the Leader

I have watch these geese many times make their way through the lily pads. They always seem to follow a leader. Even in flight there is always one leading the way. The rest are depended on the leader to direct them on the path they should follow.We are depended on many leaders in our life from the President of our country to the head of the home. We rely on the church leaders to direct us spiritually and our boss at work to tell us what to do.The one leader we need to follow faithfully is Jesus Christ. When we follow His directions for us we cannot lose our way. It is only when we turn away that we stumble and fall. Jesus is always there to pick us and put us back on the right path. And believe me I stumble a lot.When I find myself face down on the ground from the mistakes I made, Jesus reaches out His hands and gentle puts me back in the right direction. He is always the leader that I want directing my life. There is no other for me.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Do you ever wonder why life can get twisted out of shape? Was it something of your own doing? Is there other forces turning you into knots? Whatever is causing it you feel helpless and all alone.
There are days that I am not even sure what is up or down. I look to the right. I look to the left. I see nothing but the mess that I have gotten myself into.
It is only when I look to the Lord that I start to make any sense of my life. He carefully unknots my life and straighten out the twisted mess that has me looking in all the wrong places.
When I turn my mess over to Him, I can find rest and peace in my heart.
Whatever has your life all twisted, give it to the Lord who will straighten out all the knots. Rest in the comfort of His love and find His peace.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bad Habits

When I took this picture I really had no idea what the gull had in it's mouth. It was not until I put it on the computer that I realize that it was a cigarette. So I put it on facebook and had my friends make cute comments about smoking.
Of course smoking is not cute. It is a bad habit. We all deal with bad habits. It is not always wrong what we do like having a drink or eating. It is doing it in excess that makes it bad.
When we allow drinks, food or even hobbies control our actions and time, we make it into a bad habit.
I have become somewhat obsessed with taking pictures. When my last camera broke, I was having nightmares about not being able to take pictures. I would wake up in cold sweats. It had become a bad habit.
While I do carry my new camera everywhere I go, I have to monitor myself and not obsess about getting that shot. I am trying to balance my time with God when I am walking around. I spend time in prayer, reflection and awe in the wonders that is all around me. I want my pictures to witness the glory of our Creator.
It is my prayer that whoever gets to read my blogs and view my pictures, that you are able to see God just a little.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dive In

Sometime we shy away from what life has in store for us. We are too afraid to take the plunge and dive in. We don't want to get our feet wet. Yet God sometimes tell us that this is the only way to move forward in our lives.

If we do not dive in and get wet we can not reap the reward like the gull who got the fish. I know it can be hard because we can not always know what the outcome will be. We might miss the fish and come out empty handed. There is always risk when we decide to take the next steps in our lives.
I for one hate getting wet. I would prefer to stay on dry ground. Yet I know that If God is calling me to dive in, I will take the plunge. I am afraid of water but I seek to serve God over my fears.
Until we listen to the voice of God and jump into the waters of life, we will never experience the wonder God has in store for us.
So Dive In. What do you have to lose but fear itself.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I love to take pictures of insects close-up. God has put so much details in them. The colors and patterns can not be matched or copy by the best artist around. How can anyone out do God?
What is more amazing is this caterpillar has yet to reach it's full metamorphic life cycle. He will become a butterfly. Only than will you see the true nature of his colors and patterns.
When we take a close-up look at our own lives, it is hard to see the beauty that God has designed into our being. We seek to change how we look to please others. It is God we should be pleasing. Not by the way we look but by the way we act.
The next time you take a look in the mirror try and take the time to see the beauty that God has design in you. You are one of a kind and was design by the best artist around.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Take Flight

What do these pictures have in commom?
It looks like they both want to take flight. Right now neither can. But one day the goose will take flight but the turtle will remain on the ground.

God has created each of us for a special task. While some of us are made to soar others are made to stay grounded. Yet we are where God had put us to do His purpose. Some of us are meant to be missioaries while others are meant to be a stay at home parent. Some are preachers or teachers and some are made to serve in the fields.
What ever your lot in life, live it to the fullness of God's purpose.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Giants in Our Life

Sometime we have to face many giants in our lives. We can choose to ignore, evade or face them head-on.
Take the sparrow in this picture. I sat in awe as I watched the sparrow dive bomb the osprey in the head time after time. It was plain to see that the sparrow was protecting it's nest. It was not afraid to take on the giant osprey head-on, pardon the pun.
But there are times we need to take a step back from the giants. We try to defeat them in our own power instead of allowing God to give us the strength to defeat them.
Sometime the task seems beyond our ability to conquer it. The bills, work load and family demands towers over us and beats us to the ground. The giants will only be defeated when we give them over to God.
Today I am going to aim for the head of my giant. Just like David did in the bible. With the help of God my giant is going down.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Four Season

Summer is when we all get to go out and play. It is the season for summer break from school, vacations and just enjoying the great weather when it is not too hot. I spend as much time as I can checking out the sights around my home. When I am outside I feel closer to God and spend much time in prayer. My time with Him helps me to collect my thoughts and face whatever trials I might be going through. There is so much to learn as I watch the four seasons repeat itself each year.
Autuum is really my favorite time of the year. The colors stands out and give us a view of what really is going on in nature. It signals a time for change and which prepares us for the long winter that may lay ahead of us.

Winter brings in the holidays and helps me to reflect on my family, friends and most of all God.

Than we go full circle into Spring. This is when we renew our lives and get back into the bussiness of growing.

I love the four season and the lessons the we can learn from them and the pictures I get to take.
Whatever season we may be in life we can take rest in kmowing that God is in control. There is nothing that we need to fear when we realize He has the season in His grasp.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Nature Walks

I love taking my grandson on nature walks. I love the way he views things. He gets so absorb in watching the insects that it is all I can do to pull him away.
Like the one time he saw a green spider in this cannon. We spent half an hour showing all the people who would pass by the great find in the cannon.

We make our runs around the different places in Harford County. The Bel Air pond is his favorite spot. He loves feeding the geese and taking pictures. The bugs are his favorite there as well.

The Joppatowne Mariner Point Park is my favorite. I go just about everyday. Alot of the pictures I will be using throughout the year will be from there.
The point I am trying to get across today is there are so many places right here in our own backyard to visit why do we work so hard to go away.
Some of the best spot for pictures taking that I have found has been at the Havre De Grace boardwalk, Otterpoint Park, the Bel Air pond and the Mariner Point Park just to name afew.
One of the benefits of walking around this past year is that I have lost thirty pounds. Of course spending time with my grandson is a plus. And for those of you that don't like to walk, alot of the pictures that I have gotten is right from my car window.
Some of the great shots are from throw-away cameras. You don't need an expensive camera to get the shot. You just need to get up and go.
So no excuses. Go out today and get those great shots.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ride On

This pelican along with about three others would fly up to the top of the river and ride the rapid like it was a rollercoaster. They would take a few minutes rest on a rock and do it again. This went on for quite awhile.
Of course you will never find me riding the rapids. I hate water. But I do enjoy watching the animals enjoy the water.
Water is one of God blessings. We all need the water to live. Water renews us, cleanses us and sometimes consumes us. It is all around us and sometime we just need to make peace with it.
I have a friend who just recently took a scuba diving lesson just to get over her fear of water. She can now enjoy the water.
Once we caught this muskrat gathering small branches to add to it's home. Yet he seemed to be enjoying the the task. Of course my son took this picture, so I cannot take the credit for it. But he did use my camera.

Believe it or not the women in the kayak is in her 70's. Now here is someone who has enjoyed the water all her life and will until she can no longer ride. All I can say ti her is "Ride On."

Life is like water. We all need it to live. God uses our lives sometimes to renew in us with hope, cleanses us from sins and consumes us with His love. He is a God of compassion and only wants the best for us.
I believe God is telling us today to "Ride On."

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Eye of The Beholder

What do you see? Kind of looks like an eye, doesn't it? If you turn your head sideward and to the right or the left can you see it now? You might just have to pick up the computer and turn it sideward to see it.

It is all in the eye of the beholder. Of course my eyes see just about anything in nature. I love that God allows me to see things differently. I look at people now and try to see beyond the surface. Is that person in need of a listening ear? Does that person need a friend? How can I be of service to God in dealing with the people in my life?

Sometime it is hard not to judge what I think is happening or see when I encounter a person out in the street. I will be the first to admit my short coming in that area. Than God taps my on my shoulder and whispers in my ear. "See this person through my eyes." How can I have anything but compassion for this person.

What do people see when they look at me? I can only hope it is a compassionate person who tries to give them respect and friendship. That I am a person who takes the time to listen, hear and responds to their needs even in the little things in life.

My question for the day. What can God show us today through His eyes?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dancing Trees

Even God's creations dances in the present of The Creator.
This picture makes me want to get up and dance to the beat of God's calling to me. I love finding things in nature that only God could have created. Through the trials of the weather's rains, winds and temperatures these trees have twisted into what could only be called dancing trees.
You can tell there were hard times and good times. When we are going through these time we can take rest in the fact that God is twisting us into someone who dances to His grace and mercy.
I may not always like the rains of problems, the winds of adversity or the temperatures of defeats. I could muddle through on my own power. It is when I allow God to use these things to His glory that I can look back and see the plans that was there all along. The plans for good.

Like the trees in this pictures I want to always be reaching upward to the sky with my hands praising God for all the blessing He so freely gives me.
I hope you feel God calling to you to reach and to dance like the trees of His creations.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Elephant Mountain

I see things.

Not always what others may see.

But I see pictures in God nature scenes.

I see the upper portion of an elephant on the side of the mountain.

It is the head and trunk of an Asian elephant.

Do you see it?We cannot alway see things the way others do. We are all not wire the same way. This is a good thing.

God created in each of us special gifts. He allows us to go through trials to strenghten these gifts.
Sometime the gifts do not show up until the later years of our life.

It has only been this past year that I find myself looking for opportunity to take pictures of any and everything. I like viewing the world through my camera now. I see some of the stranges things that way, like this elephant mountain.

God has blessed me with some of the rare opportunity to get a shot of birds that I would not even entertain the thoughts of trying to get.

Some of the birds has been this Red-shouldered Hawk which I got while visiting a friend,

the Black-crowned Night-Heron, adult and juvenile.

and many more.

There are so many pictures I want to share along with the stories that are behind the pictures. It is the stories that I think will speak the loudest to some, it has to me.

This past year has been an adventure and inspiration to me.

I can not wait to see what this year may bring.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

All Time Favorite Picture 2011

My all time favorite picture is of McDonald Lake that was taken on my vacation this past summer at Glazier National Park.

The blessing from God is that I even got to go. My cousins graciously has my husband and me tag along to enjoy the sites this great country has to offer in the many natural parks.

We have visited Yellowstone many times as well the Grand Canyon, Rocky Mountain, and several others that I will talk about through out the year.

My desire this year is to share my story through pictures and the wonders that God allows me to see.

So enjoy and receive God's Blessing this year.