Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dodging Sandy

My cousin left a day early to try and dodge Hurricane Sandy. But the problem was that Sandy was so big that they ended up facing the fury of Sandy even at Niagara Falls, New York. This was one storm that set records from snow falls to rain and windy conditions.
We were fortunate that our trailer suffer very little damage. But I know that there are many that have suffered great loses. So my prayers goes out to them and their families.
Time will get us back to normal what ever that may be. Some of us may need to create a new normal. With the help of God and our neighbors, friends and family each day will get us closer to getting back on our feet.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Be Prepare

As the winter approaches the squirrels get down to business collecting nuts and burying them. They are preparing for a long season.
As I watch the news today I see that I need to be prepare for Sandy.
At work there seem to be a run on batteries and water. We even had a special delivery of these items just before I left.
So what am I doing to be prepare. I am getting my flashlights, water jugs and some chips to carry me through.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

I Found Heaven

"I found Heaven!" a young boy exclaimed clapping his hands to get his mother attention. Apparently he had been searching for the isle where the Legos were located. So when he came upon this section he could not contain his excitement.
I hope when I go to heaven that I find that I cannot contain my excitement either. I want to raise my hands and exclaim "I found heaven." After that run into heaven with all the excitement of that little boy who discover his heaven in the Lego isle.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Desert Dessert

I always have a problem with remembering which word desert or dessert means a dry sandy land and which one means a delicious food. So I came up with a way that I can remember.
When my life seems dry and barren I am in a desert. When I allow my Savior to enter into my desert I take the "S" and insert it and now my life is like a dessert. It is rich and full of promise.
How much I look forward to living it for my Savior. I hope my life is like a dessert to Him and not a desert.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Oh Great, A Camera

This squirrel seems to be saying oh great she taking my picture again. As I go to the different places I usually carry a bag of peanut. The squirrels will follow me looking for a hand out. I throw the peanuts and start snapping away.
But the pictures I like the best are the ones that seems to show the personalities of the squirrels. Like this one. There are so many things that could be running through the mind of this squirrel. He perked up when he saw me coming. When I raised my camera instead of throwing peanuts he laid his head back on the branch  and looked bored.
Oh great she has a camera.
Yes I do. And I plan on taking plenty of pictures.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Shaking Like a Leaf

There are many times in my life that I find myself shaking like a leaf on a winding day. It might be from the fear of rejection or the anticipation of something new. What ever it is I can't control the shaking.
Like the leaf in this picture I have holes of doubts and scars from the past.
Yet I wear these imperfection on my heart for all to see. What I try to hide from the world God still sees. He holds onto me and calms the shaking. All I have to do is let go.  

Friday, October 19, 2012

Peaceful Grazing

How peaceful is this picture? Horses grazing. Cloudy sky. Hope of a beautiful day. Every once in a while it is just nice to rest in the beauty of God's creation.
The simple life. How I long for those time when I had no worries. The demands of life keeps me in a state of confusion. I want to sit back and take a deep breath and let the pressure roll away.
Being able to look at pictures like this one helps me to relax and appreciate the stillness and goodness of God. The horses grazing with out a care should be my example. I need to relax knowing that God is in control.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A Gentle Breeze

I heard on the radio coming home from work that God doesn't always work through the thunder and lighten of a storm but through a gentle breeze. In this picture you can see a wisp of a breeze carry away the last bit of fog from the lake.
Just minutes earlier the whole  lake was covered in an heavy thick fog. There was even a couple of fishermen trying to maneuver in the fog.
Yet it was through the gentle breeze that the fog was lifted.
When I am in the dense fog of life I need to wait on God to send His gentle whisper to help me see what I am fishing for. It is only when I am still and quiet that I am able to hear the breeze. God's message becomes loud and clear. My next step is to obey.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Rose is a Rose

A rose is a rose no matter what other might think or say. There are many species with many variations of color and sizes. Yet even if I were to give it another name the bottom line is that it is still a rose.
A Christian is a Christian. There are many variations of color and sizes. Yet no matter what others might call them, they are still Christians.
I am proud to be called a Christian. I like being part of a family with many variations. That is what makes this garden of rose colorful and unique. I could say that I am a rosy christian.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Though the tunnel may seem long and endless we can know that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.
Sometime the darkness makes it hard to move forward. We reach out for direction only to fumble. Yet if we call out to our source of light the darkness leaves and we see where we are heading. The tunnel doesn't seem so long.
So when I face the tunnels of life I will not fear the darkness or the journey. I will walk boldly through knowing where my source of light comes from.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Don't Look Back

I sometime find it hard not to look back on my life. All my regrets, past mistakes and pain rears itself up and pounds on my doorstep demanding my attention. Like a fool I give it to him.
Yet God tells us not to look back. We need to look forward with hope for a better future.
So today I will not look back. I will press forward to win the race and give God all the glory.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mate For Life

I read somewhere that swans mate for life. I have watched this pair for years at the nearby marsh until one past away last year.
This past spring another swan showed up and I thought it would get together with the first one. But I was wrong it only stayed for a few weeks and left. It got me to thinking. What I would do if my husband of thirty-seven years was to go home to be with the Lord. Would I allow another man into my life. No.
We have had our good times and bad times. Yet I know that God had meant for us to mate for life. I can't imagine life without him in it.
So tonight we celebrate thirty-seven years by eating all you can eat shrimp at Red Lobster. Happy Anniversary.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Stepping Stones

What looks like stepping stones to me were more like mountains to this chipmunk. Yet he made it to the top of his mountain and stood tall.
When we look at the problems that other might be facing we can easily think that it is just a small matter. It is just stepping stones.
But in their eyes they are looking at a mountain that looms over them and block their progress.
I need to be more understanding of my friends and family when they face their mountains. Instead of judging I should be helping. Than they can make to the top of their mountains and stand tall.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Small Island

As I look at this picture I find myself wishing I could get on a boat and head straight for that small island. What a view I would have of the mountains. I would be surrounded by God's creations and drinking in the wonders of it all.
Yet God does not want me on an island by myself. He created me to enjoy His beauties with others. It is when I can share God's wonders with my family and friends that I fulfill my desire to serve Him.
I sometime focus so much on my littleness that I and blind to the greatness of God. I don't want to be the center of attention but center my attention on the One who has created me.  

Saturday, October 6, 2012

I Can't Take Another Step

It was one of those hot days when the heat just takes everything out of you. This squirrel seemed to be telling me that he just could not take another step. He was just too tired.
How many times in my life have I told God I can't take another step. Life is just too hard. There are too many things to do and there is not enough of me to get it done. I just want to give up.
God just smiles and allows me to rest. He knows my limit. He also knows that when I do turn to Him I find renew strength and get back o my feet to walk again. Sometime I can even run.
So today I start by taking my first step, maybe even a second and then another until I am walking with God.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hanging Out On a Limb

It look like this turtle just wanted to hang out on a limb. I thought for a moment he was stuck. How he got up there is anybody guess. All I could think about was all the splinters he had on him.
Than I remembered that he had a hard shell on him. He was protected.
But now the question was, how was he getting down from the tree limb and back into the water?
There are times that I just hang out on a limb. I am not sure how I got there. How I will get down is another matter as well. But I know I am protected from the splinters of life. Jesus is my shell.
So the next time I find myself hanging out on a limb I just need to call out to Jesus. He will get me back into the water safe and sound.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Leg to Stand On

This bird had a leg to stand on. Many times I see the fowls resting on one leg. It amazes me how they do it. If I try to stand on one leg I shudder at the thought of what would happen to me.
How many times do I go head on into a situation with out a leg to stand on? I barrel through and stumble all over myself looking like a fool.
Yet if I would rest on the legs of Jesus I would not stumble. I would stand tall and not fall into the traps of life. My legs are weak. His legs are strong.
I am glad that all I have to do is rely on Jesus. He is my one leg to stand on.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Tuckered Out

Sometime I am just too tuckered out to even think. I just want to plop on my bed and forget the day even happened. But I end up tossing and turning all night. I wish I could sleep as well as this cat.
To be able to allow myself to fully relax is not something I can do. The days events refuses to leave my thoughts. I go over them many times wondering what I could have done differently.
How I envy this cat's life.
I need to remember that Jesus is willing to take on my burdens and shoulder them. When I allow myself to release them into his hands I can relax. When I fully let go I find that is when I can get a good night sleep.
So tonight even though there is so much going on in my head, I will put my burden at Jesus' feet and get a good night sleep just like my cat.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Preying Mantus

I saw a movement in the bush and went to investigate it. It turned out to be a preying mantis. I say preying because it had just caught a bee and was busy eating the bee for lunch.
I have never seen this before and had to get the pictures. I went on my way took more pictures at the board walk.
On my returned I saw that the preying mantis was done. At least I thought he was. With in a blink of an eye he caught a wasp and went to town on him. The reflexes of the mantis was so fast I did not see him catch the wasp even though I was staring right at it. I was watching him but was not really focus on him.
Sometime we can be looking at something and not really see what had just happen. It could be because of some other distraction or our focus really isn't on the task before us.
We need to open our eyes wider and focus more to see what God is trying to show us. Because if we don't something might happen in a blink of an eye and we miss it.