Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Right Of Way

Today I witnessed a car hit a young mother with two children. One child was in an umbrella stroller and the other in a carrier.

While waiting at the traffic light, I notice the young lady taking with a friend. I was going to make a right hand turn as well as the person who was in front of me. When the light turned green the car in front took off not noticing the family and slammed into the stroller and mother knocking them down.

This young girl friend came to her rescue and pulled the stroller out from under the car. Many others came to the rescue as well and tended to the young girl and the baby.

It turned out to be an elderly women who was driving the car. She pulled over and was shaken up to the point that she did not believed she hit anyone. I stayed with her and had to keep telling her what had happen. I made her call her family so that someone could be there for her.

In the meantime the fire trucks, ambulance and police cars all arrived.  As they put the young mother and children into the ambulance, we all filled out witness papers. This elderly lady did not know what to write. She still was in denial.

It all came down to who had the right of way. I explain to her that it was the young lady who had the right away. She had problems processing this. I felt sorry for her. She was lost and did not know where to turn. It wasn't until the police officer was done with her that I left her side as she got back into her car.

I can only pray that she got home safe. I prayed for the young mother as her children as well. They had the right of way, and now they are in the hospital. This is a sad story for all involved.

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