Sunday, June 1, 2014

Map Turtle

Yesterday I got a rare chance to see a rare turtle. While walking around Harford Glen I came across two guys catching turtles. Since I had my grandson with me it gave me an opportunity to ask about the different types of turtles.

After learning some cool facts about turtles it was time to part ways. My daughter came and got my grandson and I walked around for another hour. Heading back to the car I came across the two guys again and they were all excited about a turtle they had just caught. It was a map turtle.

Why is it called a map turtle you ask? I will tell you. It is because the shell of the turtle looks like a topographical map. What I also learn was that they are rare and endangered. That was why these guys were so excited about the find.

Now I have to tell you that they did released the turtles back into the water. But I know letting go of this rare find was hard.  

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