Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Each time that I walk around the Mariner, I put peanuts and bird seeds on the post. I pat the post and call out to the chickadees. They are always the first to arrive. I stay close enough to keep the bigger birds away. This gives them the chance to get their fill.

This fox sparrow was hogging all the food. The chickadee seemed to be yelling at him and saying leave some for me. But the sparrow would not move. Finally the chickadee flew in and grab his share.

I love watching the interactions of the birds. They are so much like us. You have you bullies, your meeks and the get alongs. I am a get along. I try my best to get a long with everyone. But I am not always successful.

I don't always want to share what I have and I find that I can be somewhat a bully. When I get into those molds, I need to look into the mirror and let God guide me. I need to be like the meek and share all the bounty of God's grace.

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