Saturday, January 2, 2010


I could not sleep last night. My mind was focus on what I would write for my second blog. There is so much swimming around in my head that I spent the night tossing and turning.
Here is my choice topic: Facebook.
A dear friend of mine turned me on to Facebook. With every new applications she discovered she would draw me in deeper. Before I knew it I was spending hours and hours playing.
I decided to take a break for a week. It was like an addiction. The first few days were hard. By the end of the week I was not missing it at all.
When I did get back on, all my fishes were floating, my crops were wilted and my food were spoiled. I flushed the fished, plowed the crops and cleaned the stoves. I started the week with a clean slate.
How nice that would be if we could do that in the real world. Than God showed me that we can.
Everyday when we give our life over to God's control we are given a clean slate. He flushes our worries down the drain, plows the mistakes under and cleans all our sins away.
How great is our God.
My prayer for you today is let God take your worries, mistakes and sins away. Start this day and New Year with a clean slate.
God Bless, DuMBoSDawn

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