Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Box Expection

Each week Ruth checks out the bird boxes and documents the progress of each nesting birds. I got to walk along and learn a little about the different birds in each nest.

Most of the boxes are nested by eastern blue birds, tree swallows and song sparrows. Some of the nest had eggs in them, while other were just in the process of building the nest. Some boxes only had one twig in it.

It was cool watching and learning something new. And of course it reminded me that we are all in different stages of life. Some of us have nests filled with eggs, while others have just put in their first twig.

Sometime the nest falls part and we have to start all over. Other time snakes and other preys goes after the eggs and even the babies, and we have to recover from all the damages.

God cares about each of these birds and He cares about us. He will never gives us more than we can handle. So when our nests are destroyed, He hands over a twig and we start building our lives all over again.

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