Friday, November 6, 2015

How Many Turtles?

It was a beautiful day. The weather was so warm, even the turtles wanted to enjoy the warmth. The problem was that there was only one board for them.

As the board floated around the pond, the turtles did their best to hang on. I kept waiting for the board to sink or flip over from the weight of the turtles.

I wondered how many were on the board?

It also made me wonder, how many times I try to crowd in too many things in a day, when there is not enough hours in the day? The weight of my list becomes too heavy and I begin to flip out and sink from the pressures.

I soon realize that I need to give it over to God. He than takes the board and makes it sturdy enough to hold the weight, just like He did for these turtles.

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