Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pollywog Catfish

Note: This picture is not ripped. That left bottom corner is just a white rock that the fishes were swimming around.

As I watch what I thought was a school of polliwogs, I notice that there was something different about these baby frogs. These tadpoles had whiskers. On closer look, I realized that they were baby catfishes.

This was another first for me. They were so tiny and of course so cute. There were so many that it was easy to mistake them for polliwogs.

God keeps blessing me with new discoveries. I never know what I am going to see each day. I never go out each day thinking that I have seen it all. There is too many wonders to find. Even if I live to be 100, I will never get to see it all.

So as I get older each day, I will keep looking for those great find, like these pollywog catfishes.

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