Monday, March 5, 2012


Pucker-up and get ready for the kiss of a life time. Well that depends on who you are puckering up to.
A kiss is a kiss. It is a form of affection. I love giving my grandson his kisses and hugs goodnight. I wish I could give my granddaughters the same.
Lovers gives long passionate kisses. Sometime too long. you wonder if they will ever come up for air. Friends give pecks on the checks.
You can give a wet kiss, a french kiss or a long embrace kiss. What ever the kiss may be it is an act of showing the other how you feel.
I long sometime to give God a kiss. The kind that shows my undying love for Him. But alas I cannot. I can however show Him my affection through my actions. By being the best I can be for Him is a way to show that I care.
So God here is my kiss to you. I will each day give you the best me that I can be.


  1. Once again you have made me smile. Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine that a gentle breeze on my cheek is a kiss from God.
