Thursday, November 1, 2012

One Fish

It was fun to watch the eagles, heron and buzzards fight over one fish. They each took a turn at their chance at eating the fish. They would have to drop the fish when the next bird made their move on the fish. The adult bald eagle made his claim and had a hearty meal while the others watch.
Their focus was on this one fish while I watch fish after fish jumping out of the water nearby. All they had to do was catch them. Yet they just stood by and watch as their meal was slowly eaten by the eagle.
How often I watch others in my life get things that I once had. I stand by wishing that I could have what they have. Yet nearby God is showing me all that He has jumping out of the waters of life. I need to get my focus off others and look to all the blessing that God has for me. Than all I have to do is catch them.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand sometimes wanting what we once had, I find myself doing that a lot. But sometimes what God has in store for us is so much better or much more necessary than what we had before. Good way to look at those birds Mrs Dawn! :)
