Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Little Find

I found something new today. It was so little I almost missed it. If fact, if it had not moved I would not have noticed it. My little find was this leaf bug.

If it had been on a leaf I would not had seen it. God created this bug with its own camouflage. It is meant to blend into tree leaves.

My camera had a hard time focusing on this little find. One reason was because it would not stay still and the other was it size.

I wonder how many people in my life I have not notice because they blended into their surrounding, some by choice, others because I was to involved in my own circumstances to notice them? Too many I am sure.

This little find made me aware that I need to pay attention a little more to my friends, family and other people that God puts in my path.

The greatest finds I can think of are the ones that God shows me each day. And that is His love and mercy.

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