Thursday, April 18, 2013

23 Years

Tonight we honored a special servant of God who serve twenty three years as a missionary in Indonesia. Lisa (pictured on the left) gave of her time and talent to run one of the schools. Through her love of our Lord she left her mark in the lives of many. Lisa left Indonesia with big shoes to fill.

Through the past several year the Fellowship Circle that I am honored to be a part of has supported her by sending her a care packages each Christmas. Lisa would give us her list of things desired and we would collect the items from each members and her mother (pictured in the right) would mailed them off.

Now that Lisa is home to stay we are honored to have her become a member of Fellowship Circle. We have so much to learn from her.

Thank you for all that you have done and all that I know you have yet to do. You are an inspiration to us all.

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