Friday, April 20, 2012

A Rat's Life

Just this past week I have seen at least five rats at the mariner. This is the first year that I have ever seen them at all. This one did not even seem to be afraid of me. Which did not make me feel comfortable getting near it to take this picture. But you know me. I had to take its picture and blog it.
I can't imagine what it is like to live a rat's life. What purpose does God have for them. They carry diseases and germs that make us sick. They are blames for plagues. They are destructive and a nuisance. And they are not all that cute. Yet God has a plan for them.
But aren't we kind of living a rat's life. We can carry diseases and germs that make other sick. We sometime are destructive and a nuisance. We are not always cute. We can be outright ugly sometime. But God has a plan for us. Thank God.
I may not like rats. But I know that I act like one. I need to keep God's will before me to help me not live a rat's life.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! God has given you a great sense of humor! And you are absolutely right. We all have to depend on the Lord each day to help us change our "Templeton" ways.
