Monday, January 7, 2019

Lunch Buddies

It has been a long morning. It started with getting up at 3am to be at work by 4am. Today my work was to do their inventory. There was an army of co-workers with scanners in hand seeking to finish the job before the store was to open. By 10am, the deed was done and I set off to capture some pictures.

As I drove by the marsh, I notices the swans were very close to the side of the road. These swans were enjoying the roots of the vegetation. This is one of the reason that you do not see more swans around. The population is controlled to keep them from destroying the marshes. If there were too many swans eating the roots, it would kill the marshes.

I pulled my car to the side of the road and started taking pictures of the swans. The swan nearest to me was hard at work pulling at piles of roots. I was so focused on getting a good shot of him, that I did not notice that he had a lunch buddy. 

It seems that the swan was not the only one enjoying the vegetation. The muskrat was busy stuffing his face as well. The pair were content to be lunch buddies. I was excited to watch them as they enoyed their meal.

1 comment:

  1. been calling these swans "my swans" for nice picture.I appreciate it.
